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Active English in Bournemouth

  • OISE England
  • Friday, December 9, 2022

Courses dedicated to the 16-26 years age group

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OISE Bournemouth is open all year round with courses starting any week for young adults with an academic focus or a career preparation focus.

The course programme offers students the chance to prepare for important English language examinations or to prepare for a specific choice of profession. Students on the course achieve exam results or vocational training for their chosen career path.

Course options include:

  • IELTS exam preparation
  • Cambridge exam preparation
  • GMAT exam preparation
  • Career preparation for specific professions such as hotel management

Proximity to tutors leads to a collaborative and interactive programme. Learners are participative, engaged and make fast progress. Suited to university students who need to achieve specific qualifications for their academic or professional career.

The real value of this programme of learning is in the retention level. The active research approach followed by tutor guidance ensures that a lot more of what is learned turns into spontaneous reflexes that refine the student's level of fluency.

Outcomes of this course include the achievement of the required qualifications in English together with a well-rounded general education inspired by the Liberal Arts.

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