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IELTS exam preparation

Online Tutorial
Price from :
1 740 £
Academic Experience

Each lesson is live and taught by a tutor via Zoom

Includes a pre-course Zoom meeting between the tutor and the student for level assessment and needs analysis.

Before the start of the course, the student is sent an assignment to be completed before the course and a short reading list.

All students who successfully complete this course are eligible for a Course Certificate. Completion consists of submitting the final course assignment. Certificates are sent by email after the end of the course.

Students sit rehearsal tests under exam conditions. These are repeated as required to build confidence and familiarity with the exam.

Objectives of the study

Course aims

To make the student familiar with the exam and to give the student the confidence and skills required to achieve a high score in the test.


A very complete programme

The tutor coaches the learner in the content of the exam and guides them with strategies for understanding and navigating the test questions. Assignments are set for homework and during lesson time there is repeated work on essay writing, vocabulary, comprehension and speaking practice.

  • Course Content

    Module I - Note Taking Skills
    • Practice in taking notes and using notes to summarise listenings.


    Module 2 - Skimming and scanning skills
    • Search for a main topic, topic sentences, supporting details and concluding thoughts.
    • Scanning for pertinent data such as names, dates, numbers etc.


    Module 3 -  Summarising and paraphrasing
    • Students write 3 or 4 sentence summaries of a short passage.
    • Students must paraphrase a set of sentences in their own words.
    • Students practise identifying information and data from charts and graphs.


    Module 4 - Mind mapping
    • The use of the mind map to plan a piece of writing.
    • Use of mind maps to plan the introduction to an essay.
    • Developing the body of the essay.
    • Understanding the importance of the controlling idea.


    Module 5 - Polishing skills for the writing task and the speaking tasks
    • Essay writing skills - checklist.
    • Speaking test - final practice.
Attentes prévues

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, the student is expected to be able to:

  • Take notes on a piece of listening.
  • Summarise and paraphrase an unfamiliar passage of text.
  • Plan, structure and write an essay of 500 words.
  • Report verbally and in writing the data/information shown in diagrams and graphs.
  • Speak in an interview situation for 5 minutes.
Price includes
Useful information

Each lesson is live and taught by a tutor via Zoom

Each lesson is of 60 minutes duration

Lessons can be taken at any time from Monday - Saturday 09.00 to 18.00 GMT