• Students
  • Oxford, England

Mastering the Language

Price from :
1 920 £
Academic Experience

Key points

Students train to gain experience and acquire the skills necessary to use the language at a high level - teachers push students to achieve to the maximum of their potential, and set milestones and goals for each student, with constant evaluation. This sets the pace for each learner to surpass their academic expectations and achieve more than they thought possible.
The small number of students in each group provides participants with a learning experience tailored to each individual's needs, while benefiting from the participants' experiences and cultural diversity. Small class sizes also allow for a large amount of individual coaching, which helps to provide students with the confidence and disposition to master the language in a stimulating environment.
The course exposes learners to a range of authentic sources from different academic subjects, piquing their intellectual curiosity alongside exposing them to different styles and registers, as well as new vocabulary and structures. Students debate, discuss and analyse these sources, leading to increased confidence and fluency alongside enhanced critical thinking skills.

Objectives of the study

Objective of the stay

Achieve a major step in the mastery of the language


The Quatorial programme

30 hours per week. Taught as 20 hours per week in groups of no more than 4 students and 10 hours per week in seminars of no more than 8 students.  Minimum age of enrolment: 16 years old.

Proximity to tutors leads to a collaborative and interactive programme. Learners are participative, collaborative, engaged and make fast progress.

Suited to university students.


    • Writing with conviction and accuracy  - Learners grow their ability to articulate elaborate ideas in English and sustain their argument in written discussions. Participants also develop accuracy in written communication skills to enhance their ability to convey convincing arguments to the reader.


    • Speaking with impact and clarity -  In this lesson, the focus is on how to make an impact on the listener by looking at the use of language and vocabulary as well as enhancing pronunciation and diction skills. Participants could also be asked to select a topic of interest on which they prepare a presentation.


    • Current Affairs - Learners fine tune their comprehension and expression of the English language through current affairs and topical issues. British media is analysed with a critical eye and compared to how other international media tackle issues from around the world.


    • Seminars - Learners engage with a wide range of topics related to politics, history, literature, leadership, art history, etc. These seminars are led by tutors who are passionate and knowledgeable in their chosen topic.


    •  Self study session - An opportunity to reflect on the day, prepare for the next sessions and complete work set by the tutors.


Attentes prévues

Expected outcomes

Increased mastery of the language, students become bold and confident users of English whilst speaking with accuracy and fluency. 

Hébergement sur place
Half-board homestay

Staying in a homestay gives participants the chance to be fully immersed into the local culture of the destination, whilst also being able to practise the language in a relaxed and natural setting. Many homestays have been welcoming our students into their homes for many years, offering their hospitality and expanding our students cultural horizons. Homestay arrivals are on the Sunday before the course begins, and departures are on the Saturday after the course ends.



Excluding accommodation

Should students wish not to stay in homestays and find alternative accommodation, the school is happy to offer recommendations on request.

Se déplacer

The experience of living in Oxford

For almost a millennium Oxford has been a hub of learning and academia. 

A small university city, Oxford is easily navigable and students are quickly able to settle in and feel comfortable. The city has a bustling centre, with numerous shops, restaurants and cafes, as well as opportunities to explore the rich history and culture through museums, galleries and theatres. The centre of the city is also close to several parks and open spaces, allowing students to spend time outdoors and enjoying nature. 



Cultural Programme

Oxford is a hub of history, culture and academia, and the school exposes its students to the best of the city. With over 1000 years of recorded history there is a wealth of culture for students to discover as part of the school’s cultural programme, including world-class museums and galleries, being inspired by the colleges of the university and exploring the historic streets. Students are also able to experience unique local activities such as punting, alongside trips to historic pubs and theatre and cinema trips. The school also organises walking tours to familiarise students with the city and give them a deep understanding of its rich history.

Price includes
Useful information

Price Includes

The price includes tuition, half-board accommodation in a homestay and a certificate of achievement.


International exams fees are not included. 


Students begin their course on a Sunday and finish on a Saturday. Classes are taught throughout the year, Monday - Friday.



Special measures for 16 and 17 year olds

It is important to note that the school operates for adult students and all participants are treated as mature enough not to need close supervision. A parental consent form needs to be signed before a pupil under 18 years of age can join the course. 

It needs to be stressed that there are no additional provisions for 16 and 17 year olds. They will not be supervised outside school times and while in their homestay.