


Linguaskill is administered by Cambridge English. It is an online test, and can be taken at any time or place, allowing for results within 48 hours.

The Linguaskill format

There are two types of Linguaskill test, Linguaskill Business and Linguaskill General. Linguaskill General is the most commonly taken, and is suitable for entrance to universities, daily life and non-business-specific working environments. Linguaskill Business is best suited for those entering a corporate English-speaking environment.

The exam tests all four language skills - Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening

Reading and Listening (60-85 minutes): These modules are assessed using adaptive software. This means that the test tailors questions to the candidate’s level based on their previous answers.

Writing (45 minutes): This section has two parts, requiring one short text (minimum 50 words) and one longer piece of writing (minimum 180 words) which is graded by the computer software.

Speaking (15 minutes): 5 questions are posed to students through the screen, and their answers are recorded. This section is graded by a human examiner, not the computer software unlike the other sections.



Results are given using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), grading candidates from level A1 - C2 on each of the four skills, creating an overall score.